Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Top 10 Films of 2011

Vaagai Sooda Vaa

A period film with a very big heart and a subtle message.

Engeyum Eppodhum

A nice movie on Road sense with two different love stories.


A political  film with good storyline.


A film  of massive hardwork which got paid through national awards.

Yudham sei

The best crime thriller film of this year.


Deiva Thirumagal

A story of a  mentally challenged adult with the maturity of a six-year-old boy.

7aum Arivu

A science fiction thriller film with a powerful storyline of Bodhidharman(Damo).

A thriller film on a flight hijacking incident.


A action thriller movie with ajith's mass performance.


A package film with five different stories emerging together representing the five natural elements—sky, air, water, fire and earth.